Target Groups

Citizens from 15 years old


What did they learn about the other person? How can people be better prepared to understand others and show empathy?

What can be done to tackle the issues raised by the participants in placemaking? Version 1:

Version 2:


Version 3:

Approximate Duration

<aside> 🕒 1.30 hours


Keywords and Hashtags


Why This Tool?

<aside> ⭐ The first step towards change is understanding other people's struggle and empathise with them, following the motto "You never really know a person until you stand in their shoes and walk around in them." This workshop then fosters empathy and makes people think in others perspectives and putting themselves in the position of the other person. It can be impactful to either do this activity with a group composed of only women (as it gives them a safe space to discuss their own experiences and discuss them with someone who went/goes through the same thing) or with people from different gender, sexual orientations, races and ethnicities, abilities or classes, as it allows people to understand the different dimensions of privilege and discrimination present in placemaking.
