Cooperation: young women (20-30), LGBTQ+ Contribution: all (also targetting policy makers)
Territorial mapping, seen through a gender perspective, helps us understand how the built environment impacts our sense of public safety. This tool highlights important public infrastructures, community buildings, and public spaces, while also revealing qualities related to the constructed environment and our perception of security. It's a powerful tool that can be shared with local authorities to advocate for safer spaces.
By applying the territorial map tool, you can navigate and evaluate your surroundings with a gender-focused lens, empowering yourself to make informed choices and advocate for safer environments that meet your needs. Remember, your perception matters, and understanding the impact of the built environment is a crucial step towards creating spaces that promote your well-being and security.
Approximately 8 hours:
#GenderInclusiveSpaces #SafeCitiesForAll #IntersectionalUrbanism #InclusivePublicSpaces #EmpoweringSafety #EstelCoop
The territorial map tool, when considered through a gender perspective, is valuable in various circumstances: