Target Groups

Women and interested men


A guerilla action that can be prepared by the local groups, including research on data regarding the lack of equality in the street names, squares and subway stations. The reasons behind it, and additional research to look into the actions and achievements of (local) women that can be potential candidates to receive a guerilla nameplate/street sign. The groups can be part of all the different steps of the way, including research, design of the signs and the hanging of the signs.

This tool was created by Noms Peut-Être ! organisation. These links refer to the activity they did for in the streets and in the metro respectively:

Approximate Duration

<aside> πŸ•’ Punctual Action: 2 hours // 3 or 4 preparatory/research works of one hour each


Keywords and Hashtags

#nomspeutetre #guerillaurbanism #activism

Why This Tool?

<aside> ⭐ If the city/policy makers don't do it, we will ;) + sensitize + research + activism



<aside> πŸ”—


Feedback from youth workers during the ToT

Chosing a place/square/wasteland and changing the representation and symbolism of it with festivals, lectures, walks.

Additional Materials for inspiration on guerrilla feminist actions

this is a wonderful site with great inspiration: