Young girls - age dependent on availbility
Hear Herstory empowers young girls to express their experiences in public spaces, ultimately fostering a sense of belonging and increasing visibility for gender equality.
<aside> 🕒 3 workshops of 2 hours duration each:
<aside> 1️⃣ Workshop 1: Choosing 3 key spaces that impact the group and make a collective assessment (spaces they feel comfortable / spaces they avoid / spaces to reclaim).
<aside> 2️⃣ Workshop 2: Set up an interactive google map/ instagram/ website and create key questions for people to answer about the allocated spaces. Enable them to share their experiences for the chosen space.
<aside> 3️⃣ Workshop 3: Collect the data and organise an event to share these experiences, meetup with fellow participants, build a community and create a network of the users of these spaces.
#ReClaim_Her Space, #womeninpublicspace, #Hear_Her_Story, #inclusivepublicspaces, #Reclaim the space
<aside> ⭐ The tool aims to raise awareness about rethinking public spaces in terms of gender, inclusion, equality and participation. It is a useful tool because it can influence young women to think that spaces shape our daily lives, so women's needs and desires need to be addressed and made more visible. Moreover, as this tool combines storytelling, which is a powerful tool in itself, it can have a great impact on the community.