Teenage girls (16-26)
audience for maps & walk: all
also targetting policy makers
This tool not only raises awareness with the girls and outside world, it also motivates them to become critical urban youth researchers looking to improve cities and spaces regarding gender-equalness and empowers them to take the stage in organising the walk, including external communication, and taking the floor to present their outcomes.
<aside> 🕒 Punctual Walk: 1-1,5H / Workshop Series: 3 workshops of an hour / Map creation: depending on different criteria
#genderequalcitymaking #academyforurbanactions #urbanfoxes
<aside> ⭐ This tools not only raises awareness with the girls and outside world, it also motivates them to become critical urban youth researchers looking to improve cities and spaces regarding gender-equal ness and empowers them to take the stage in organizing the walk, including external communication, and taking the floor to present their outcomes.
<aside> 🔗 https://www.bruzz.be/culture/cultural-news/jonge-vrouwen-doen-tijdens-wandeling-suggesties-om-stad-veiliger-te-maken
Treasure hunt with teens to search and/or create gender-neutral spaces. For example"Unicorn Streets" instead of "Leopold Street".